eZaango Care Partners

NDIS participants and their Goals

NDIS encourages participants to choose one goal that must be achieved in a certain time. Read this blog to know more about NDIS participants and their Goals.

NDIS participants and their Goals

As a participant, goals are important not just to get into the programme but also to have clarity on self-development. And the NDIS encourages participants to set at least one goal for them to work on. NDIS goals like any other goals is what someone can intend to achieve in a given time frame. The goal can be reviewed when the participant is ready or would like to revaluate. Participant can choose the time frame for the goal, it can be short, medium or a long-term goal. It also gives participant something to look forward to.

An NDIS funded participant has some goals, objectives and strategies attached to their care plans, these care plans are formulated keeping in mind their current situation, their available funding and their priority for healing.

Why are goals important for participants?

  • Sometimes, setting goals acts as a pathway to achieving independence. Whether short, medium, or long, all goals aim to free a person from limitation of some sort.
  • Goals help take responsible steps towards helping participants achieve what they want to be. It helps take calculated steps towards achieving the set of objectives over a period.
  • Allows them to know their strengths and weaknesses by setting goals. And you know which areas to improve.
  • Goal setting is also important to NDIS, and so it encourages the process. What is even more important to the commission is the success of the goals. Therefore, participants are encouraged to set realistic goals.
  • Goals are important because they set the course for family and friends in various ways.
  • Goals are important because it helps determine if there is progress being made and sit back and reflect on it

How can you help NDIS participants meet their goals?

It is important for the participant to also focus on the services they are receiving and how it is helping them achieve their goals. Therefore, it is important for them to continually think about what works for them and what they want to change in relation to the services they are receiving. Below are few steps for creating a plan for participants to achieve their goals:

  • Identify participants circle of supports and their responsibilities in helping the participant achieve their goals. It is important to have a good support circle for the participant’s growth.
  • Identify the participants physical, social, or independent goals
  • Set long-term and short-term goals
  • A good goal focuses on results rather than process because the process might get in the way of achieving the goal.
  • Focus more on areas of the participants life that need improvement. Ensure these are considered when planning services.
  • Ensure you can track and report on progress toward the participant achieving their goals. No matter how big the progress is, a progress is a progress even a tiny step forward.

Ready to achieve your NDIS goals? Contact us today to discover how EzaanGo Care Partners can help you create a plan and support you every step of the way.

Date: Feb 28, 2022

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